The TBI Consultant, LLC


Reviews for Jan M. Seabaugh, her book and courses

“Jan is one of the most knowledgeable people I know in neuropsychiatry and traumatic brain injury.”

David E. Ross, M.D.,
board-certified in neuropsychiatry and brain injury medicine.

“This guide is the most practical I have seen for patients navigating traumatic brain injuries. The author combines a deep knowledge of psychology and neurology to explain, in simple terms, what TBI is and how it manifests in individuals. More importantly, she has front-line experience with helping victims of TBI and their families to recover as fully as possible. She shares that experience in "How to Recover From Concussion/Brain Injury." I recommend this book both for those confronting TBI, and for clinicians such as myself to better understand how to help them.”

Mitchell Kaminski, M.D.

“I was in such a fog for 4 years. With Jan’s guidance and encouragement, I found the right doctors. I got my life back!”

Vivian T.

“I have known, worked with, and relied on Jan for over ten years, and she has been invaluable in my life care planning specialty. Jan’s knowledge of traumatic brain injury and her willingness to teach, and help, are valuable to injured individuals, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.”

Evelyn Robert,
BSN, RN, CCM, CRP, CLCP, MSCC, CNLCP®, Medical Dynamics Associates

“Jan’s knowledge, compassion and experience in guiding me as a caregiver of a TBI patient were an important part of the recovery process.”

Russ A.,
Retired business manager and former NFL player

“Information in this book is spot on to what I experienced after my traumatic brain injury from a car accident. I really wish I had met Jan earlier. Reading the symptoms in this book explains a lot of what I still deal with today. I just knew it was my brain, but now I know specifically what my problems are.

Even though I received care from a brain injury clinic, had I received the knowledge from Jan’s book sooner, I would be in a different situation now. I believe the information in this book would have really helped me reach a better new normal quicker as well as improved my financials. I am so glad that we are now connected through our coaching mentor.

I will be including information in my book and refer people to her for more assistance. If you or someone you know has a TBI, please read this book. You will be glad that you did. Thank you, Jan, for all that you are doing to help educate everyone about TBIs!”

Pam Noles,
Health & Resilience Coach, Abortion Recovery Coach, Author & Speaker

“Jan’s commitment to helping people understand and heal from concussions and TBIs is amazing. Her knowledge on the subject and her dedication to continuing to ask the right questions and find the right answers is a blessing to anyone who has had head injuries and needs support and is looking for help or treatments or therapies.”

Dave Scatchard,
14-year NHL pro, Founder of All Star Coaching,
Speaker and Author of The Comeback: My Journey Through Heaven and Hell

“Jan gives readers a straightforward list of symptoms and tells brain injury sufferers exactly where to go for treatment. I highly recommend it for anyone who had a head injury.”

Joe Theismann,
Word Champion QB and Entrepreneur

“I found this book to have so much helpful information! My son was hit by a car while crossing a road. He was diagnosed with a complete open break of his femur, two skull fractures and various other issues. When he was released from the intensive care unit, he was told to follow up with his orthopedic doctor but never referred to a neurologist or other brain doctor. Obviously, he should have been, but we were so focused on his leg and getting him home.

Now I know after reading this book that he had a Traumatic Brain Injury. I wish I had this book then but it is never too late to advocate if you have the right information.

I have become more aware of any symptoms that I notice and take notes for his doctors. Moms that have kids in sports, I highly recommend you read this or get a book so you can be your child's advocate.”

Monica Dunivan

“Awesome book, very practical. Wish I had this book when my son was playing football, as he had multiple concussions. This would have been an incredible resource on his road to recovery.”

Deb McFadden

“Jan blew my mind with the amount of detail and knowledge she shares about TBI. I will be recommending this book to many of my addiction clients, as a high percentage of people with addictions misuse substances to self-medicate their TBI-induced pain.”

Rob Lohman,
Interventionist and Founder of LIFTED From The Rut,
and Author of The Addiction Intervention Book and 101 Reasons to Quit Getting Drunk During the Holidays

“This was a fantastic book! My wife was in an automotive accident about 12 years ago and has been suffering from fibromyalgia ever since. We’ve been to medical doctors, health and wellness doctors, nutritionists, herbalists and nothing they have prescribed or recommended has worked. I took training on CFT that works with fascia around muscles to reconnect brain to rest of body and it has helped, now I believe I know why. Thanks for the information, it is invaluable!”


“This book is the secret weapon and blueprint that every person, coach, and parent can use to get closer to the understanding of concussions and brain injuries. Jan Seabaugh has put together a unique collection of practical steps and treatments when you or a person you know is experiencing head and brain injury symptoms. Her book is incredibly noteworthy, valuable and inspiring to help you overcome and recover. How to Recover From Your Concussion/Brain Injury is truly magical! Well done!”

John Formica,
The “Ex-Disney Guy,”
America’s Customer Experience Speaker and Coach at

“If you had an accident or injury and recognize any of the symptoms in this book, this just may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Jan provides a long list of symptoms related to traumatic brain injury. On top of that, she provides the specific professionals you should see for diagnosis and treatment. So helpful!”

Kevin Harrington,
Original Shark from Shark Tank

“If you're ready to positively transform your life, then read and absorb the strategies in this brilliant book by Jan Seabaugh! Jan truly cares about helping others and her ideas will make a positive difference in your life!”

James Malinchak,
Featured on ABCs Hit TV Show, “Secret Millionaire” (Viewed by 50 Million+ Worldwide);
Authored 27 Books, Delivered 3,000 Presentations & 2,000 Consultations;
Best-Selling Author, Millionaire Success Secrets; Founder,

“There are so many people struggling in this world. What if your problems could be due to an undiagnosed traumatic brain injury? If you’ve been in an accident and recognize some of the symptoms in this book, reading Jan’s book could be the answer you’ve been looking for.”

Jill Lublin,
CEO, Master Publicity Strategist, International Speaker, 4x Best Selling Author

“Congratulations, Jan, for taking such a common and misunderstood problem and putting it into understandable terms in this book. If you’ve ever been told that you had a concussion, or think you might have had one, read this book for the symptoms to look for, as well as who to see for treatment.”

Patty Aubery,
NYT Best Selling Author, Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul;
President, Jack Canfield Companies;
Founder, Permission Granted

“If you or you know someone with a TBI, don’t wait to get this book. In the long run it is worth your time to read and your money to buy it. Being informed correctly makes a difference.”

Olivia Whiteman

“Great book, we need more books like this one! Your knowledge will help a lot of us! Blessings.”


“I worked as Jan's clinical coordinator right out of college. She taught me all about traumatic brain injury and the art of working with TBI patients. After that, I entered a graduate nursing program where I built upon the knowledge gained as Jan’s clinical coordinator. Now as a charge nurse in the intensive care unit, I continue to use the many clinical skills and techniques Jan modeled for me.”

Megan Zannoni,

"When I worked as Jan's clinical assistant and case manager, she taught me how to apply my psychology degree to working with TBI patients in the clinical setting. With Jan’s extensive background and training on TBI, she was able to clinically guide me to provide optimal care for our patients. Jan was a leader in our practice, as she assisted firsthand in evaluations and follow-up care. Jan’s calm demeanor and unsurpassed expertise benefited both our patients and my professional growth."

Daniella DiVentura,